LINUS BEATSKIP is back with a brand new single called ‘Phantom’. It’s a genre-bending track that defies expectations and is now available exclusively on Beatport.
LINUS BEATSKIP really excels in the realms of production. His soundscapes are meticulously honed, and the percussion is impeccable. The track has an uncanny ability to draw listeners into its world, making it an incredibly immersive experience. Even the quieter moments of ‘Phantom’ are enhanced through the use of inventive sound design.
In short, ‘Phantom’ is an embodiment of LINUS BEATSKIP’s exceptional talents. It combines elements of genres that are traditionally associated with disparate musical styles, and proves that they can be combined in a successfully engaging way. So, if you’re a fan of electronic music, this is a must-listen. It’s an absolute treat from start to finish, and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
So head over to Beatport and get your hands on LINUS BEATSKIP’s latest track ‘Phantom’. We’re sure you’ll love it just as much as we do.